Indigo Organic Dye
Non-Toxic Indigo Dye: Sourced from Indian Indigo plants.
Blue is worn for its protective properties, which is why indigo has been known to have historical relevance from Celtic Pict Warriors to use on police uniforms. It is intended for you to engage your companions on a higher realm. While wearing indigo, enjoy the security from your wearable armor.Directions for hand made fabric dying:
Note* The indigo itself does not dye the fiber. However, it can be converted into a soluble form by removing oxygen via Sodium Hydrosulphite or Rit Dye Remover.
You will need:
· Stainless steel stockpot – do not use for food after using for dye.
· 1/8tps Sodium Hydrosulphite or Rit Dye Remover
· 1 gallon of water
· Natural fabric or fiber
· Rubber gloves – unless you want indigo street cred all over your hands
Start by mixing 25g ALR indigo with a small amount of warm water to make a paste.
To create a traditional indigo bath for dyeing, boil water to 100-120 degrees Fahrenheit in your stainless steel stockpot. Add indigo paste and gently stir, making sure not to stir aggressively or whisk, as oxygen disrupts the dye bath.
Important: Sodium Hydrosulphite or Rit Dye Remover will be sprinkled on top of the indigo bath to remove oxygen – do not stir.
Let the vat sit and simmer for 10-15 minutes. You will begin to see a shiny blue layer on top where the oxygen is in contact with your indigo, but below this your dye bath will be green.
Pre-wash desired natural fabric or fiber and add damp article(s) one by one to the dye using a dunking method holding the fabric under the water. You will get a stronger, deeper indigo on the first uses of the bath. Subsequent usage will be weaker and weaker, though beautiful, lighter shades of blue can be obtained in weakened baths. You may keep articles in the vat for up to 10 minutes, but any longer will not make the color deeper. It is best to do multiple dips for this effect.
Once you remove your fabric or fiber from the liquid, rinse in cold water and watch as the oxygen turns the indigo from green to blue! Leave your dyed articles out for 1 day, so it becomes fully oxygenated before washing – this will insure a longer lived, deeper blue. Each piece will surely be unique.
Warning: Avoid contact with the eyes. In case of contact with the eyes, flush with cool water.
#alrdyeing @audreylouisereynolds on Instagram for all of your creations please!
We would love to see what you’ve made. Thank you for embarking on this adventure with us.